Besides politics, the musical adventures of The Complete Unknown has been a hobby of mine since high school: Bob Dylan matter: poems, essays, concert reviews.
- Revelation versus science
- What does Speaker Johnson truly covet?
- Pox Americana
- What mandate remains for either party?
- About-face
- Can Americans still be counted on do the right thing?
- Why is it so easy to bury adults in lies?
- Necessary in children, obedience can be ruinous in adults
- Fanny Kemble, Berkshires first literary refugee
- From Sedgwick guest to Lenox homeowner
- Completely Unknown
- Songs and poems are different things
- Theology in Emerson and Melville
- In re: Daniel Webster and Queequeg
- Wobbly rests the hat of authority
- Reading teaches reason the way watching teaches following
- Q Anon for Elites
- Say it ain’t so – Gaslighting in The Atlantic?
- Theory of Conspiracy
- They do what with babies?
- “I’m not gonna lie to you …”
- When did they cancel “good, better, best, never let it rest…” ?
- Paradise Lost, Reality Won
- Has reality TV swallowed us whole?
- Hope for better treatment than Roy Cohn got
- Do we believe what we want to believe, or what we can prove to be true?
- The duplicity of David Brooks
- Has The Atlantic sold her soul to the devil of click-bait?
- Spawn of Jim Crow v. Abraham Lincoln’s Ghost
- Has the GOP’s southern strategy done US in?
- Christianity, like liberty, is indivisible
- Histroy will not be silenced
- Who dunnit?
- It takes two parties to un-do a republic
- Is Paid News the New Frankenstein?
- Coming soon on The Apprentice.
- The MetaTerranean River
- Who has jurisdiction over poetry?
- Surfing the Avalanche
- Musk and Trump careen downhill
- In the land Lincoln loved to death
- Who will you settle for?
- Artificial ain’t fake, but a. i. is dumb
- Where’s the soul?
- Air mail from Paris
- Families and friends who read together, stay together.
- “There She Is, …”
- Who does Heather Cox Richardson imagine herself to be?
- Broke News, Reagan Trumped Lincoln
- Do we really prefer Ronald Reagan to Abraham Lincoln?
- Hang Out, or Stand Up?
- Consign history to the dust heap of history?
- God and the Devil issue first joint press release
- Is half true close enough?
- Beware of spike-strips on the information superhighway
- King For a Day
- Trust me, let me be dictator on Day 1
- Where’s Waldo?
- “…it is not instruction, but provocation, that I can receive from another soul”
- The Big Illegal
- 34 felony convictions is a good start…
- Let A.I. stand for American Insanity
- Which device is the best fit for your mind?
- Questions for All of U.S.
- Where’s the Red Line around children at school?
- Dear Madame Vice President
- Know me by name, not by dermatology
- Pop Media is Dope
- Can you go a week without streaming?
- Half Truths Equal Whole Lies
- What qualifies as ‘prey’ in the mind of a predator?
- Return to the plantation mentality?
- Will anybody obey, this time?
- Oh Sister, Who Art Thou?
- The only generation is generation Me
- Are Your Eyes on the Prize?
- If we don’t allow drunks to drive cars, why do we allow despots to drive political campaigns?
Anyway, since SCOTUS welcomed dark money into American politics in 2010, with a decision known by an Alice in Wonderland name, Citizens United, why bother? That abomination guarantees the doubled-edged sword of democracy only cuts one way. It will continue to do that until we, the people, organize and flush dollars, riyals, yen, rubles, yuan, euro, and crypto currency down the drain.
(p.s. Although there’s no shortage of 2025 Project items available in the print and electronic press, hidden away is the document that prepared the public for it, Attack On American Free Enterprise System. Tricky Dick Nixon commissioned it in 1971, in exchange for lifetime tenure on the Supreme Court for its author, big tobacco lawyer Lewis F. Powell, Jr.) How inconvenient is the truth.