Kate and Mike Halpin, and Caitlin and me convened the first gathering of the book club and never said a word about Harper Lee books, the conversation was so good! It was a beautiful day, rain free in an otherwise rainy week.
This shows that, while un-civil war tears at the fabric of the nation, relatives can travel to Fair Haven from Virginia, Massachusetts, and nearby Fulton – primarily for the joy of family, secondarily for chin-wagging on an Olympian level, and thirdly to partake of picnic cuisine! (Also, plenty fun photos at the book club page!)
This gathering took place a few days before Caitlin’s 50th birthday, which was my father’s 106th – July 2. That is the day the Declaration of Independence was approved by 12 of the 13 colonies – New York hadn’t made up her mind, yet!
These pictures (click ’em) show that there is plenty of room for you and your crew next time!
And here, Caitlin captures a sublime sunset from the Bluff the night beofre: