Oservations, poems by Dave Read These poems tend to be more rooted in facts on the ground than images in the mind. Observational poems by Dave Read. Say CheeseManhattan Bridge, Edward Hopper, 1928Prayer for the FallenNew England OctoberPivot of FallOverheard at VerseFestOctober in a PoemWintertime Blueswhite chickensLook UpLet Them LingerPivot of SpringBig Apple BytePeeskawso PeakLove RocksJudging AprilVisionaries need not applyAdvice for the Novice, now on the CapeCape Cod Camp HaikuGood Mount RushmoreLiving WillVerbose HaikuVernal MetaphysicsArt Hole in the BerkshiresFall Vespers and Winter ReverieThird DegreeBefore WinterWe Fined GodWhat’s bracing about springSeptemberWe Know BreezeThe Muse Leaps GenerationsPaean to an EminenceThe Flush Plinths of Lenox