He: Hi
She: Hi.
He: Wanna go to the shore?
She: What store? What for?
He: Not the store, the shore, you know, the beach?
She: Oh, the beach, I love the beach!
He: Well then, do you wanna go?
She: Now?
He: Saturday, or Sunday, whenever is convenient.
She: Sunday could work, but why?
He: I want to test a theory, verify that an image works.
She: What theory?
He: I was thinking that poems, ideas for poems, poem notions roll onto the
conscious mind like surf onto shore.
She: Can’t you Google it – verify it there?
He: Nope, this is original research, needs to be done in situ!
She: In situ? Where’s that, Hawaii?
He: Yeah, no, In situ means on the site…
She: I know, just teasing…
He: I thought so…
She: So, what’s your theory again?
He: Well. all this material for poems rolls up – like the surf, depositing image after
Image on the shore – on the beach of the mind.
She: Yeah, OK, I can see that…
He: What I want to look at though, is what goes back with the undertow. I can Imagine stuff rolling up on shore, but I need to See how much gets taken away.
She: Oh – like two steps forward and one step back?
He: Yeah, something like that…
She: Well there’s a Western Swing class here tomorrow night.
He: All right, let’s do that, then..
Dave Read